The Astral Side makes it's move to c0-exist in reality and evolve in step with what was once only a thought. To develop a history of my own unique journeys into the realms of dreams, thoughts, visions, and meditations, the sensations of an alternate plane will impinge understanding on levels that dwarf the ways of reason and logic. These spheres of energy, that exist in a more mysterious region, are very real. It's here all the time, but is overlooked as meaningless to most people. I fear this world is slipping from our grasps, and as a human with a knowledge different than the mainstream, I hope to offer it suggestions, or nudges, if you will, which can imbue you with an upper hand against the chaos that surrounds us.
As a practitioner of meditation for close to 7 years, I hope to display an understanding of subject matter to both the beginner and expert student. We're all students and everyone can gleam some kind of understanding from everyone else. I welcome comments from fans or foe, and we must all learn that rightness, and wrongness are constructs of a divided mind. Relativity is something Einstein proved, yet so many people neglect to witness to it's relevance in the worldly day to day affairs of humans. Mass and Energy are one thing, and aren't we simply that in a little box. We are condensed energy fields in harmony with the music of the universe. DNA is proving to be the “Sheet Music of our Souls”(footnote #1 added sooner than later, stay tuned), There is no division at a fundamental level. Physicists are telling us this all the time, and it's going to be difficult, but there's a big leap in thought, and conceptualization coming soon that's going to disrupt the normal flow we're all so used to.
As a global civilization we're long overdue for a paradigm shift! It will happen in an instant, I tell you, before you had any chance to stop it. We don’t want to stop it, and it’s probably already occurred at a base level. Either way, when you combine the Global Community, instant communication, information coming in from all angles running the gamete of all known knowledge, you have a gateway into a new universe. The old rules fall away. By shedding away the old landscape of perception, meaning, and purpose, we’re free to redefine our lives in drastically varying ways.
The terrain of the mind and the dimensional qualities beyond description related to consciousness is the general scope of this blog. Revelations, Epiphanies, and
The goals of keeping constant vigilance in the face of challenges, a feeling of progressive individual empowerment, and a belief that all things are possible led me to the goal of changing myself for the better. This changing is focused upon the idea of refinement. Refinement, meaning that through some process a things is allowed to become some other thing, that over time I can shape and mold myself so that whatever environment comes my way, I am able to response in a fashion that allows for a high probability of success. To fully understand the refinement process, you have to start with the notion, that at the onset, the object of concern is not pure. I am the object of concern and you are the object of concern, and since we are the thing that's going through changes, so is humanity in the grander scheme of things. As purity develops in my life, purpose, goals, and thoughts, I will eventually develop a way to change my environment directly to better suit my needs, and or desires, given any set of circumstances.
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