Thursday, December 21, 2006

What's at Stake?

The measly beginnings of my astral states began in 2001 just as I was overcoming a mild addiction to alcohol. In my misery brought on by the events of 9/11 itself, I began to see my world differently. I started thinking differently, and acting differently and even behaving in ways that were completely new to me. In the wake that followed, I began to meditate. Through studying a great deal of Buddhist thought and philosophy along with a multitude of others, I was lead down a distinct path. The path was lit, however not very well. For a Westerner, with no prior knowledge of the differences in the East, to stumble upon these ideas, was a real awakening in itself. I used this momentum to conceive of my own path, whereby the frequencies of my imagination created a fabric of reality completely different in character to that of anything I could possibly compare it to.

This was an awakening quite different from my previous experiences where I fell upon certain distinct moments of clerity. Such cases include moments of enlightenment, eureka moments, and insightful observations leading toward the understanding of perpetual evolution. The idea is to understand or grasp the scope of human potential. Here in the West, we have completely lost touch with this notion, but you can regain the knowledge of yourself, without the need for your culture, whatever that may be. To educate you on these matters, we simply need to understand that our overt existence in this outer world is but a reflection of our own internal mental states. These states are what I’m referring to when I say Astral.

I view the universe as one singular mind field of quantum consciousness. Consciousness itself is the core underlying component to the makeup of our natural universe. It’s not that matter is the primary component like we’ve been mislead into believing. The Astral States, which we all own in distinctly individual ways, are the only map we need to find our original essence and understanding of our final destination. Nature has provided us with an evolving machine that self replicates! Plainly amazing to me, but most people can’t approach these newer concepts of the obviousness that perfect resonant harmonics exist in the biological world, but …what we’ve lacked to see is that the very fabric of reality; the underlying chaotic spectrum of the quantum world, is in direct communication with the biological “device” being considered.

When discussing issues of nature, we must be able to see the natural frequencies involved at every level of reality. These are the fine energies of the quantum world and the coarse vibrations of the material universe. They contribute to the whole system functioning simultaneously as a cohesive object despite the appearance that we have different parts, segments, and organs. These are not what make up a person. A person is a continuous energy being acting as the zero point focus where the immaterial realm of thoughts, feelings, and emotions come together with the world of matter, inertia, and momentum.

By neglecting our astral component, we begin a descent from total union with the creative source of all things. The fall brings with it notions of separateness, which breeds division, fear, and all the rest that our current world needs ridding of. There must be a general understanding of the connectedness we all have through these astral dimensions, and we must all learn to tolerate those that don’t vibrate in harmonious ways with us. The biggest illusion we face in our day to day lives is the illusion of disconnectedness and subsequent descent into the selfish ego and desire based reality of the Capitalistic Consumer Materialist.

Prior to my initiation into the astral states and dimensions, I was myself a CCM. Only after years of meditating and raising my general vibrations, did I even begin to fluff off the murky layers of socially induced being. It took meditation to reveal to myself who I was, and what I was capable of. If everyone could understand and discover the nature of the self, we would be increasing the potential of our existence in this world, and if you just look around at our global condition, you too would see the need for drastic and immediate changes in the way the average person defines his or her being.

There are great strides before the human community, and no longer is it appropriate to view imaginary lines of separation between countries, continents, and race. We live in a global community now, and in order for a better operational dynamic to evolve, the minds of the people must change. This is the requirement to save us from our dreadfully alternative possibility of self extinction. It would be a first in Earth’s history, but time may be running out.

1 comment:

- said...

Hello Shixta!

I enjoyed reading your postings very much, because I am currently trying to learn AP myself. Are you still working on this blog or did you gave up writing? I would love to read more from you.

Temple Guard